Scientific Advisors

We’re all made of something special. So tell us — what’s your secret ingredient?

N. Kalyanam, Ph.D.


Dr. N. Kalyanam is the President of Sabinsa’s New Jersey R&D. His research interests are synthetic methodology and chiral chemistry. He obtained his M.Sc. in Chemistry at the University of Madras and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Baylor University (Texas). Upon completing his Ph.D., Dr. Kalyanam completed 2 years of postdoctoral studies focusing on organic synthesis procedures before returning to India. In India he worked for a number of reputable companies, IPCL, Ciba Geigy, and SPIC Pharma, to which he made major scientific contributions.

Dr. Kalyanam’s primary responsibilities at Sabinsa include the development of efficient and novel scientific routes for xenobiotics and intermediates as well as the exploration of new business areas.

Dr. A Nagarajan


Dr. A. Nagarajan is the Vice president R&D of Sami-Sabinsa Group Limited and associated with the company for the last 26 years. He obtained his Ph.D in Organic Chemistry from the University of Madras. He has three years post-doctoral research experience at the University of Oklahoma, USA in the area of organometallic and organic chemistry.

His research interests include synthetic methodology, synthesis of chiral molecules and bioactive natural products and to study their significance on biological system. He has more than 35 years of research experience in the field of Organic Chemistry and has published more than 20 articles in reputed journals. He has guided two research scholars for their Ph.D degrees.

Hari Ramachandran, Ph.D.


Dr. Hari Ram is currently Manager, Quality Assurance AND Quality Control (QA & QC) of Sabinsa Corporation at its headquarters in East Windsor, New Jersey. Dr. Ram received his doctorate in Biochemistry & Immunology from University of Madras, India and has 21 plus years of experience in R&D, diagnostics, analytical testing, teaching, technical support, documentation, marketing, regulatory and QA & QC working at various academic, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical organizations across India, Middle East and USA. He has to his credit several national and international presentations, publications and patents.

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