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Improving Mental Alertness & Control Depression With A Plant From India

What is Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens, from the botanical family Fabaceae, commonly known as velvet bean or cowitch is a plant indigenous to India. Ayurvedic practitioners have used the seeds for centuries, in the management of Parkinson’s disease and nervous debility. The herb has also been used in formulations to control depression and improve mental alertness1. The long record of safe and effective use prompted detailed research into the phytochemistry and pharmacological effects of this plant.

The endocarp of the beans were found to contain about 5% levodopa (L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine, L-DOPA) which is used in conventional medical practice in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease2.

mucuna pruriens

Botanical description

The plant is a slender climbing annual. The flowers are racemes with purplish corolla and the seeds are about 1 cm in diameter, bean shaped and white in color3.


The seeds yield a red viscous oil which contains stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, oleic and linoleic acids and a sterol. The alkaloids mucunine, mucunadine, prurienine and prurienidine are reported to have been isolated from the seeds. Besides a significant amount of L-DOPA (3-5), the seeds have also been found to contain tannins, sitosterol and lecithin3. Suspension cultures of Mucuna pruriens are proven to biotransform L- tyrosine to L-DOPA4. Four indole-3-alkylamines and choline have been isolated from different parts of the plant3. Recent studies revealed that the levodopa content (dry weight) of a whole Mucuna bean is 4.02%, with the majority contained in the endocarp2.

Pharmacological effects

A 12-week study with 60 patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease evaluated the effectiveness of a stable standardized preparation made from the endocarp of M. pruriens beans in the treatment of the disease. An average daily dose of 22.5 grams was gradually increased to 45 grams of the extract per day at the end of 12 weeks. This treatment produced significant reduction in symptoms as determined using Unified parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). The authors of this study concluded that the standardized extract of Mucuna pruriens offers an effective low cost approach to the management of Parkinson’s disease. As opposed to synthetic drugs, the combination of phytonutrients in the extract could contribute to its low toxicity and superior efficacy2.

In addition to efficacy in the management of Parkinson’s disease, the seeds were found to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels in experimental models5. Mucuna pruriens has been prescribed as an aphrodisiac by Ayurvedic practitioners. A recent study revealed that the herb is useful in improving sexual performance in normal male animal models. A suspension of Mucuna pruriens seed powder in distilled water administered orally once a day for 7 days, at the level of 1 g/kg, to male rats produced significant improvement in sexual performance as compared to control rats receiving distilled water. The authors of this study concluded that the effects on mating behavior and sexual performance in the male rats involved in this study could be partially attributed to the androgenic effect of Mucuna pruriens and partially to the inhibition of hyperexcitation of the regulatory centers by the herb6. Androgenic effects are associated with increased testosterone production. Testosterone is known to play a key role in sperm cell production and immune functions and is often used to increase fertility and recovery. From a sports nutrition point of view, androgenic compounds are particularly promising since increased testosterone levels increase the deposition of protein in the muscles, leading to increased muscle mass and strength7.

In view of the traditional use of the plant as a remedy for snake bites, one group of researchers recently investigated the effect of an aqueous extract of Mucuna pruriens on isolated smooth and skeletal muscle preparations. These studies revealed the capability of the extract to assist in the inhibition of cholinesterase and facilitate acetylcholine accumulation leading to reversal of neurotoxic effects8. The positive effects of Mucuna pruriens extract in improving mental alertness, probably through enhanced neuromuscular transmission.

The combination of mental alertness improvement, L-Dopa production, aphrodisiac properties, cholesterol lowering action and nerve toning effects indicate the potential use of Mucuna pruriens extract in sports nutrition. The extract could be useful in strength building and to provide anabolic effects. The positive effects of the seed extract on neuromuscular transmission could help in honing the reflexes as well as in promoting muscular coordination thereby optimizing athletic performance. In light of these multifaceted effects, Mucuna pruriens extract is a valuable phytonutrient.



  1. Singh,.R.H., Nath.S.K., Behere.P.B.(1989) Depressive illness-a therapeutic evaluation with herbal drugs. Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Sidha; 1(1): 1-6.
  2. Manyam, B.V. et al. (1995). An Alternative Medicine treatment for Parkinson’s Disease: Results of a Multicenter Clinical Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 1(3): 249-255.
  3. Mucuna pruriens. In Selected Medicinal plants of India, CHEMEXIL, (1992), 215.
  4. Pras, N. et al. (1993) Mucuna pruriens: Improvement of the Biotechnological production of the Anti-parkinson Drug L-dopa by plant Cell Selection. Pharmacy World & Science. 15(6): 263-8
  5. Akhtar, M.S. et al. (1990). Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 40(7): 147-50.
  6. Amin, K.M.Y. et al. (1996). Sexual function improving effect of Mucuna pruriens in sexually normal male rats. Fitoterapia, 67, 53-58.
  7. Bhasin, S. et al. (1996). The effects of supraphysiologic dose of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men. New England Journal of Medicine, 335: 1-7
  8. Aguiyi, J.C. et al. (1997) Effects of Mucuna pruriens seed extract on smooth and skeletal muscale preparations. Fitoterapia, 67, 366-370.

Using Coleus Forskohlii To Help Support Lean Muscle & Reduce Body Fat

Coleus Forskohlii is a unique extract that has shown promising results in enhancing lean body mass.  Lean body mass is constituted by the muscles, vital organs, bone and bone marrow, connective tissue and body water. The percentage of lean body mass to fat not only determines the body’s aesthetic appearance, but more importantly, it is also an index of physical fitness, health status, susceptibility to disease and premature mortality.  The use of a standardized root extract from Coleus forskohlii (Fam. Labiatae) may help to increase lean body mass and optimize body composition1.

Coleus forskohlii, a member of the mint family, is indigenous to Ayurvedic medicine.  This species is a perennial herb with fleshy, fibrous roots that grows wild in the warm sub-tropical temperate areas in India, Burma and Thailand. In India, it is cultivated for use as a condiment.2  In recent years, Coleus forskohlii has gained recognition as the only known plant source of the diterpene, forskolin3. Forskolin is valued as an adenylate cyclase activator.   Adenylate cyclase is the enzyme involved in the production of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP), (a significant biochemical agent in metabolic processes) from the high energy molecule, ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).  Nicknamed in literature as a “second messenger,” cyclic AMP facilitates the action of  “primary messengers” or various hormonal and bioactive substances in the body.  The role of cyclic AMP is indispensable to many body functions. It induces a chain of biochemical events that trigger the metabolic processes and diet induced thermogenesis,4 thereby providing the means to maintain a healthy body composition and lean body mass levels. The root material is the commercial source for forskolin.

Coleus forskohlii cultivation5:

 Careful cultivation of the correct species of Coleus forskohlii plants enables optimizing the quality of root material for forskolin content.

Climatic requirements: C. forskohlii is a species native to subtropical and warm temperate habitats growing at 600-1800 m elevation on sun-exposed hill slopes and plateaus in arid and semi-arid climatic zones.

Soil requirements: The species grows well in loamy or sandy-loam soil with a pH of 6.4 to 7.9.

Herbaceous plant with annual stem and perenniel rootstock. The root material may be tuberous, semi-tuberous or fibrous depending upon the growth conditions.  1-500 g of root material could be obtained from a single plant. The forskolin content of the roots varies from 0.07%-0.58%  of dry matter.


Pharmacological effects

Research carried out over the last few decades has revealed the multi-faceted pharmacological effects of forskolin.  Most of these effects have been linked to the role of forskolin as an activator of adenylate cyclase8.   Normally, cAMP is formed when a stimulatory hormone (e.g., epinephrine) binds to a receptor site on the cell membrane and triggers the activation of adenylate cyclase. The receptors in each cell are specific to the activating hormone.  Forskolin appears to bypass the hormone-receptor interactions and activates adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase activation induces a rise in intracellular cAMP levels9.


Health benefits of Coleus forskohlii Extract

Based on the pharmacological actions of forskolin, schematically represented in Figure 110, C. forskohlii appears to be well indicated in conditions where a decreased intracellular cAMP level is believed to be a major factor in the development of the disease process.  Such conditions include eczema (atopic dermatitis), asthma, psoriasis, cardiovascular disorders, and hypertension. Recent studies report that forskolin functions through additional mechanisms of action, independent of its ability to directly stimulate adenylate cyclase and cAMP dependent physiological responses, such as the inhibition of a number of membrane transport proteins and channel.  This results in the activation of other cellular enzymes, through signaling across the membranes9.

Spectrum of potential therapeutic activities of forskolin.

Animal model and clinical studies have validated the beneficial role of forskolin in asthma and other allergic disorders11-13.    These conditions are characterized by a relative decrease in cAMP in the bronchial smooth muscle and skin respectively. As a result, mast cells degranulate and smooth muscle cells contract. The ability of forskolin to relax smooth muscle in bronchial asthma is most probably due to its role in increasing cAMP levels. In addition, other anti-allergic activities such as inhibition of histamine release/allergen synthesis are reported14.

The blood pressure lowering effects and platelet aggregation inhibitory action of forskolin are well described in literature. These actions translate to the beneficial role of forskolin in cardiovascular disorders15,16. Topical forskolin was found to significantly reduce intraocular pressure, in both animal model and clinical studies,17,18 indicating potential use in the management of glaucoma.  A recent preliminary study revealed that intracavernosal forskolin in combination with other vasoactive agents is a safe and effective therapeutic approach in the management of vasculogenic impotence which is resistant to standard  pharmacotherapy19. Another preliminary study reported the efficacy of forskolin in the management of psoriasis8.  Yet another preliminary study that explored the possible psychoactive effects of intravenous forskolin in depressed and schizophrenic patients yielded promising results20.


Coleus forskohlii in the potentiation of lean body mass:

Epidemiological studies indicate that the impact of body composition on health starts early in life. The association between body mass and mortality in more than 100,000 U.S. women 30 to 55 years of age was evaluated. The lowest mortality rate was observed among women who weighed at least 15 percent less than the U.S. average for women of similar age and among those whose weight had been stable since early adulthood21. In a separate study, it was found that being overweight in adolescence predicted a broad range of adverse health effects that were independent of adult weight after 55 years of follow-up22.

The biochemical mechanism of maintaining or increasing lean body mass is related to the availability of cyclic AMP. By facilitating hormonal action, cyclic AMP may regulate the body’s thermogenic response to food, increase the body’s basic metabolic rate, and increase utilization of body fat (since thermogenesis is preferentially fueled by fatty acids derived from body fat and/or food). These events also correspond to the buildup of lean body mass.

Clinical Studies

ForsLean is Coleus forskohlii  supplement and was tested in an open-field study with a population of six overweight women (BMI greater than 25)23. The tested formula was in the form of two-piece, hard shell capsules; each capsule contained 250 mg of the extract. The overweight, but otherwise healthy women, received the forskolin formula twice daily for eight weeks. Participants were instructed to take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening, half an hour before a meal. Each participant was asked to maintain her previous daily physical exercise and eating habits. In addition, physical activity was monitored based on a questionnaire before and during the trial.

During the eight week trial, the mean values for body weight and fat content significantly decreased, whereas lean body mass was significantly increased as compared to the baseline (Figure 2). The regimen did not adversely affect the systolic/diastolic blood pressure nor the pulse rate. Indeed, a trend towards lower systolic/diastolic pressure was observed during the course of treatment (Figure 3).

Based on the results of this preliminary study, Sabinsa recently obtained a U.S. patent for the weight-loss mechanism of ForsLeanÒ. Sabinsa Corporation was assigned a patent1 for the use of forskolin. The patent describes the use of a composition to promote lean body mass and treat mood disorders.

As mentioned previously, forskolin is known as a compound with versatile biological actions based on its ability to stimulate adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP levels. Typically, an increase in cyclic AMP leads to subsequent activation of protein kinase. Protein kinase has been shown to activate the hormone sensitive lipase, involved in the breakdown of triglycerides, known as building blocks of fatty tissue24. The other factor relevant to the weight loss mechanism of forskolin involves its thyroid stimulating action, comparable in strength to thyrotropin or TSH25. The thyroid stimulating action of forskolin may also contribute to the increase in the metabolic rate and thermogenesis.  Forskolin may also be involved in regulating insulin secretion26. Insulin, although well recognized for its metabolism of carbohydrates, is often overlooked as being involved with the metabolization of other macronutrients, i.e. fats and proteins, major contributors to body composition.



Sabinsa’s preliminary clinical study with ForsLean showed that 25 mg of forskolin twice a day can improve overall body composition by increasing bulk from lean body mass while decreasing bulk due to body fat. Thus, the use of forskolin helps to maintain healthy body composition rather than to induce weight loss. In view of this finding, forskolin could potentially benefit not only overweight people but also those individuals who are actively involved in athletic training /body building and seeking to attain a higher lean body mass to body fat ratio.


Safety aspects and Contraindications

Animal model studies conducted on forskolin reported an extremely low order of toxicity for this active compound9,27.  The acute LD50 values for forskolin in the mouse and rat models are (105 mg/kg i.p. & 3,100 mg/kg per oral) and (92 mg/kg i.p. & 2,550 mg/kg per oral), respectively28. Although no major side effects have been reported, C. forskohlii should be avoided by gastric ulcer patients  and low blood pressure cases.  It should be used with caution by those on prescription medications, especially anti-asthmatics and anti-hypertensives since C. forskohlii may potentiate the effects of these prescription drugs27.

Forskolin supplementation thus represents a safe nutritional measure to increase lean body mass and enable maintenance of healthy body composition. In this context, body mass index (BMI), attained by dividing body weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters is a reliable indicator of healthy body composition. The BMI norm is between 18 and 25 kg/m2. A value over 25 puts a person in the overweight category, and values greater than 30 correspond to varying degrees of obesity.


  1. S. Patent #5,804,596, dated September 8, 1998 “Method of preparing forskolin composition from forskolin extract and use of forskolin for promoting lean body mass and treating mood disorders”
  2. Bruneton, Jean. (1995)  Coleus forskohlii in  Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants, Lavoisier publishing Company, 521.
  3. de Souza, N.J. (1991) Coleus forskohlii– The Indian plant source for forskolin. Recent Advances in Medicinal, Aromatic & Spice crops, (ed: S..P. Raychaudhuri.) Today and Tomorrow’s printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India, Vol I: 83-91.
  4. Palou, A. , et al. (1998) The uncoupling protein, thermogenin. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 30(1):7-11.
  5. Shah, V. and Kalakoti, B.S. “Development of Coleus forskohlii as a medicinal crop” Proceedings of the International Conference on Domestication and Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products in Agroforestry Systems, hosted by ICRAF, held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 19 to 23 February 1996.
  6. Tandon, J.S. et al. (1977) J. Chem., 15B : 880-883.
  7. B., et al. (1989) Minor diterpenoids of Coleus forskohlii  Phytochemistry, 28(3):859-862.
  8. Ammon, H.P.T. and Muller (1989) Forskolin: from an Ayurvedic Remedy to a Modern Agent Planta Medica. Vol 51, 475-476.
  9. Murray, M.T. (1995) The unique pharmacology of Coleus forskohlii. Health Counselor 7(2): 33-35.
  10. Rupp, R.H. et al. ed. (1985) Forskolin: Its chemical biological and medical potential. Proc of the International Symposium, Hoechst India Ltd, Bombay.
  11. Bauer, K. et al. (1993) Pharmacodynamic effects of inhaled dry powder formulations of fenoterol and colforsin in asthma. Pharmacol. Ther. 53:76-83.
  12. Lichey J et al. (1984) Effect of forskolin on methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in extrinsic asthmatics. The Lancet: July 21:167.
  13. Kreutner, W. et al. (1985) Bronchodilator and antiallergy activity of forskolin. J. Pharmacol. 111:1-8.
  14. Marone, G. et al. (1986) Forskolin inhibits release of histamine from human basophils and mast cells. Agents and Actions, 18(1/2): 96-99.
  15. Lindner E, et al. (1978): Positive inotropic and blood pressure lowering activity of a diterpene derivative isolated form Coleus forskohli: forskolin. -Forsch 28:284-9.
  16. Dubey MP, et al. (1981) Hypotensive diterpene form Coleu forskohlii.. J Ethnopharmacology  3:1-13,
  17. Peng, T. et al. (1992) The experimental studies of the effect of forskolin on the lowering of intraocular pressure. Yen Ko Hseu Pao, 8(4):152-155.
  18. Meyer BH, et al. (1987) The effects of forskolin eye drops on intraocular pressure. S Afr Med J 71(9): 570–571.
  19. Mulhall, J.P. et al. (1997) Intracavernosal forskolin: role in management of vasculogenic impotence resistant to standard 3-agent pharmacotherapy. Urol. 158(5):1752-9.
  20. Bersudsky Y et al. (1996) A preliminary study of possible psychoactive effects of intravenous forskolin in depressed and schizophrenic patients. J Neural Transm. 103(12):1463-7
  21. Stevens, J. et al. (1998) The body mass index-mortality relationship in white and African American women. Res., 6(4):268-77.
  22. Must, A. (1996) Morbidity and mortality assoiated with elevated body weight in children and adolescents. J. Clin. Nutr. 63(3 Suppl):445S-4447S.
  23. Research Report, Sabinsa Corporation, 1999.
  24. Allen, D.O. et al. (1986) Relationships between cyclic AMP levels and lipolysis in fat cells after isoproterenol and forskolin stimulation. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 238(2): 659-664.
  25. Haye, B. et al. (1985) Chronic and acute effects of forskolin on isolated thyroid cell metabolism. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 43:41-50.
  26. Yajima H. et al (1999) cAMP enhances insulin secretion by an action on the ATP-sensitive K+ channel-independent pathway of glucose signaling in rat pancreatic islets. Diabetes 48(5):1006-12
  27. American Botanical Council. Coleus Forskohlii HerbClip May 1, 1997.
  28. Agarwal, K.C. and Parks, R.E. (1983) Forskolin: A potential antimetastatic agent. J. Cancer 32: 801-804.

Getting the Most Out of Your Health Food Supplements and Vitamins or Minerals with Black Pepper Extract

Black pepper was well known to the ancient world. It first appeared in the Sanskrit literature of India some 3,000 years ago. The first Westerner who is known to have encountered black pepper was Alexander the Great when he marched to the Punjab region in northern India in 326 B.C. He sampled it in some food under the local name of pippali. This spice was eventually exported to the Persians who had difficulty pronouncing the Indian name for it. A name change came about under King Darius who issued a royal edict for everyone to start calling it pipari instead. Our present word pepper is a derivation of that.

It was the Romans, however, who really gave pepper its major push in the culinary arts — they seasoned just about everything with it, including believe it or not, bread, milk and cheese! Black pepper was a much appreciated spice during antiquity. In 408 A.D., when Rome was besieged by Alaric, king of the Visigoths, he demanded a huge price for sparing the city: 4,000 fine garments, 2,500 kilograms of gold, 15,000 kilograms of silver and 2,500 kilograms of black pepper. His soldiers apparently enjoyed pepper — just as those from Genoa did in 1101 A.D. when they conquered Caesarea in the Levant and were rewarded with one kilogram of black pepper each.

During much of the Middle Ages, it served as “hard currency.” Some people stored it under lock and key as a measure of their fortunes and a man’s liquidity could be judged by his pepper assets. A proper annual bribe from a merchant to a tax-collector in Venice was considered to be one pound of pepper, cinnamon and ginger.

Medieval consumption of black pepper grew in amazing proportions. No longer was it just for the well-to-do, but became affordable even for the poor. Pepper even spread to the peasant classes and eventually influenced their cooking a lot. The taste for pepper was largely due to the miserable foodstuffs in the kitchens of that time — salted pork, more or less rotten beef (during the summer) and fish that had been out of the water for awhile. These stale materials were hidden under the heaps of pepper.

But court physicians who treated royalty then for a variety of health distresses, observed that whenever their subjects consumed strongly peppered meals, they experienced considerably fewer gastrointestinal problems. This prompted doctors to investigate the medicinal aspects of black pepper further. Meal digestion was largely improved and food assimilation greatly enhanced with the addition of small amounts of black pepper to each prepared dish.

When research scientists at Sabinsa Corporation became aware of this historical information, they wondered if black pepper might not do the same thing for health supplements as it had done with food for many centuries. There has always been a problem connected with the absorption of ingested nutrients in that certain amounts are “lost” or never fully utilized by the body. A number of different factors are responsible for this, which can become rather expensive to compensate for over a period of time. Individual consumers may be proned to buy additional units of their favorite nutritional supplements to make up for this inadequate absorption.

But now there is a real solution to this vexing and costly problem. Sabinsa Corporation discovered that a 95% purified extract of an important alkaloid from black pepper can enhance the bioavailability of many nutrients with virtually no loss to them in the body. It is known as Bioperine® and has been awarded two US Patents. Its active constituent, Piperine, is what gives pepper its unique pungency. This remarkable warming sensation in the gut, enables not only food, but also nutrients in supplemental form to be more readily absorbed and put to use.

A number of scientific experiments have proven this to be so time and again. When Bioperine® was administered orally to healthy humans in a dose of five milligrams per person per day, the serum levels of different tested nutrients significantly increased. Blood levels of fat-soluble beta carotene, for instance, when taken with Bioperine® for two weeks, increased by 60% over the control values, receiving the vitamin alone. When one of the B-Complex groups, Vitamin B-6 was ingested with Bioperine® it resulted in 2.5 times higher blood levels in only two hours. Furthermore, a six week supplementation program of selenium (in the form of selenomethionine) with and without this incredible ingredient, resulted in a 30% increase in serum levels of selenium in the Bioperine® group as compared to the control group. A recently completed human study involving the simultaneous administration of Bioperine® with CoQ10 yielded an absolute increase in blood serum levels of 30% as well.

The manner in which this amazing thermonutrient from pepper works, can best be explained to lay people using a comparative illustration, devoid of scientific jargon. Think of your body like a house with different rooms for leisure (brain and nerves); the kitchen for eating (stomach), the bathroom and laundry room for cleaning (colon, kidneys, liver and spleen), and so forth.

Now in each of these rooms or body compartments, there are separate thermostats for adjusting or regulating temperature. What Bioperine® does is to slightly increase the heat through a process known as thermogenesis. When this happens, the assimilation and utilization of ingested nutritional supplements become more complete or total. Your body can certainly use a boost whenever vitamins or minerals are taken. Bioperine® is the right ingredient for the job.

Bioperine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation.

US Patents #5,536,506, 5,744,161, 5,972,382, and 6,054,585. Worldwide patents pending.




How To Make Your Nutrients More Available In Your Body

Bioperine is a black pepper extract that can be used to make nutrients more available in one’s body.  

What is Bioperine?

  • BioPerine is a natural ingredient, which significantly improves bioavailability and benefits of nutritive compounds
  • BioPerine is a patented standardized extract from the fruits of Piper nigrum (black pepper)
  • BioPerine is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)

What is the active ingredient?

  • The active ingredient is piperine, a pungent alkaloid

How pure is BioPerine?

  • BioPerine contains 95 to 99% pure piperine

Why is BioPerine superior to black pepper?

  • Piperine content in BioPerine is much higher (95-­99% pure piperine) than it is in black pepper; Piperine is only 3-­9% in all parts of black pepper
  • A standardized extract allows a wide range of applications other than the traditional use of black pepper

What are the potential nutraceutical benefits of BioPerine?

  • BioPerine offers a wide range of health benefits. Improving the bioavailablity of nutritional substances is the primary benefit among them

How does piperine enhance the bioavailability of nutritive substances?

There are a few theories about BioPerine’s mechanism of action:

  • Piperine interferes with substance-­converting enzymes, such as UDP-­glucuronyltransferase in the small intestine and liver. The excretion of the nutritional ingredients by the kidneys is blocked because the natural state of the nutritional ingredients is less soluble and their excretion through the urine is less efficient
  • Vanilloid receptors are G protein coupled and highly expressed on afferent neurons of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Piperine binding to vanilloid receptors activates membrane‐bound adenyl cyclase, which catalyzes the synthesis of the second messenger molecule cAMP. cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA) that inhibits intestinal motility and dilates blood vessels of the intestine. This physiological action may cause better digestion and absorption
  • Piperine is likely to facilitate the absorption of nutrients interacting with the ultrastructure of intestinal brush border and stimulating digestive enzymes

What nutritional ingredients’ bioavailability is enhanced by BioPerine?

BioPerine has been shown to enhance the bioavailability of the following groups of nutrients in humans and animals:

  • Resveratrol
  • Herbal extracts (curcumin, ashwaganda, capsaicin, Gingko biloba)
  • Water soluble vitamins (vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, niacinamide, folic acid and vitamin C)
  • Fat-­soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E and K)
  • Antioxidants (vitamin A, C, E,alpha-­‐carotene, transbeta­‐carotene, lycopene, lutein/zeaxantin, pine bark bioflavanoids complex, germanium, selenium and zinc)
  • Amino acids (lysine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and methionine)
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, vanadium, selenium, chromium, iodine, potassium, manganese, copper and magnesium)

Is the bioavailability of all of these ingredients tested in humans?

The bioavailability of resveratrol, selenomethionine, vitamin B6 and C, CoQ10, beta carotene and curcumin were evaluated in humans with the administration of Sabinsa’s BioPerine as follows:

  • One group of people took the ingredients with BioPerine
  • The other group took the ingredients alone
  • The blood levels of the ingredients were significantly higher among those who have taken the ingredients with BioPerine.
  • The study was conducted in the US among healthy volunteers

What about piperine’s impact on drug bioavailability?

  • Piperine may or may not affect drug bioavailability. For instance, piperine improves the bioavailability of ampicillin and norfloxacin, which are antibiotics with low oral bioavailability. It certainly depends on drug chemistry and pharmacokinetics. Therefore, this should be discussed with your physician or health care provider

What are the other physiological effects of piperine?

Extensive data is collected reporting black pepper’s health benefits other than natural bioenhancer properties, such as

  • Antidepressant *
  • Antiapoptotic *
  • Antioxidant *
  • Anti-­platelet effect *
  • Asthma relieving *
  • Anti-­inflammatory activity *
  • Antihypertensive effect *
  • Hepatoprotective effect *
  • Antithyroid effect *
  • Fertility enhancer *
  • Antitumor activity *

Is the plant sustainably harvested?

  • Yes, piperine is extracted from sustainably‐grown Piper nigrum

Is BioPerine GMO?

  • No, BioPerine is not genetically-­modified

What about Allergen­‐free, Kosher and Halal certifications?

  • Sabinsa’s most ingredients are Kosher and Halal certified as well as Allergen free

Is BioPerine an ODI (Old Dietary Ingredient)?

  • Yes, BioPerine is an Old Dietary Ingredient.
  • BioPerine can therefore be marketed immediately, without the need for pre‐market NDI notification

What is the suggested daily dose?

  • The suggested dose is 5 mg 3 times daily.

Is BioPerine manufactured in a cGMP facility?

  • Sabinsa’s manufacturing facilities are cGMPand located in India
  • They are FDA‐inspected and passed

Is Sabinsa’s BioPerine patented?

Where I can find more information on BioPerine?

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or medical condition.

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